Handling pesticides, like rat poison, while pregnant increases your risk of miscarriage, as well as having a baby with birth defects, or other issues. Starlicide is lethal to starlings with an acute oral LD50 of 3.8 milligrams per kilogram body weight, but it is less toxic to most other birds. If bait uptake is acceptable, Wildlife Services applies the DRC-1339 directly to the bait and applies only enough treated bait to be consumed in 1 to 2 hours. By Rod Brouhard, EMT-P Below, we provide product recommendations, information about various types of rat poison and what to look for when buying, and answers to common buyer questions. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. Free Shipping on Qualified Orders. 6th ed. The solution lay in a slower-acting rat poison. First-generation rodenticidal anticoagulants generally have shorter elimination half-lives. Preventative methods include the use of repellents on crops, barriers, scare devices, habitat medication and pyrotechnics. European Starlings, on the other hand, like premium black-oil sunflower seeds. Starlings will kill purple martin adults and babies alike.Here are two other videos I made on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kYzXsWZ7qQhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7kZIYOD8iA Required fields are marked *. Knittle, C.E. Overall, we found that most customers gave these bait blocks a four- or five-star review, claiming that the bars were effective in getting rid of their rodent problem. When combing through reviews for this product, we found that many who left positive reviews liked that it was weatherproof, easy to put out, and attractive to rats and mice. [20], This has led environmental researchers to conclude that low strength, long duration rodenticides (generally first generation anticoagulants) are the best balance between maximum effect and minimum risk. Alphachloralose. Transfus Med Rev. The poison eventually works its way through the rats body, killing it. Birds, nests, and feces can transmit pathogens like E. coli, salmonella, and fungi that can lead to serious fungal infections. Theyre omnivorous and will go for insects, fruits, and nuts. Rodenticide. The birds are seen by many as a nuisance: damaging crops, eating livestock feed, causing airplane crashes and driving out native species from their nests. Clim Oct 19, . There is evidence of secondary poisoning being caused by exposure to prey. The question of whether the use of these rodenticides can be considered humane has been raised.[8]. Until now, scientists have struggled to say exactly how much rat poison could kill different birds of prey. Place traps behind appliances or other areas that children and pets cannot reach. chiamdiosis, a virus similar to influenza; campylobacter coli, which may cause food poisoning; pigeon droppings and dead carcasses can contain a variety of mites. In the 1940s, warfarin became a widely used anticoagulant rodenticide that made it much easier to kill pesky . 3-chloro-p-toluidine also can be released into environment in wastewater from factories which use it as intermediate Another effective way to keep starlings at bay is to prune your trees regularly. Still, if your starling problem persists, it may be time to call a professional wildlife removal specialist. Metal phosphides do not accumulate in the tissues of poisoned animals, so the risk of secondary poisoning is low. It also describes symptoms of rat poisoning, possible complications, and how to prevent accidental poisoning. Eliminate as many of these habitats as possible to steer rats in a different direction. Exposure to rodenticides occurs when people use these chemicals to kill unwanted pests. If you have swallowed poison, drinking small amounts of water or milk may help soothe burning or irritation for a short time, but it will not reduce the toxins in your body. Find licensed pros in your area and get free, no-commitment estimates for your project. Explains Professor Richard. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=279114, Major Starling and Minor Sharp-shinned Hawk Issues. The almost hairless rodents which, strangely, are neither moles nor. It helps to use a feeder with a cage diameter of at least 11 inches, so its impossible for starlings (or other animals like squirrels) to stick their heads through the cage to retrieve seeds. Always toss leftover food items into a tightly sealed trash can outside of your home. Why does Starling Murmuration happen? It can, however, cause severe gastrointestinal symptoms. But because starlings have soft beaks, they cannot eat tougher nuts and seeds such as. Ultimately, there is little difference between these forms. Add a Comment. Rodents can easily consume a lethal dose in a single nights feeding Takes effect in four to five days, so theres no risk of bait shyness Effective against warfarin-resistant Norway rats, Potentially lethal to pets if ingested Only for use in and around agricultural buildings. Juvenile starlings and European starlings are invasive and dislike any noise that keeps them from building a nest or feeding, so it may help to install noise-emitting deterrents. 2017;13:2297-2300. doi:10.2147/NDT.S142375. Despite even the best management practices, secondary poisoning can occur and should be reported to the Arizona Game and Fish Department at (877) 972-8426 or your local tribal wildlife agency if on tribal lands, and the National Pesticide Information Center. Applied concentrations are 0.075% cholecalciferol (30,000IU/g)[15][16] and 0.1% ergocalciferol (40,000IU/g) when used alone, which can kill a rodent or a rat. Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). It is considered to be single-dose, cumulative (depending on concentration used; the common 0.075% bait concentration is lethal to most rodents after a single intake of larger portions of the bait) or sub-chronic (death occurring usually within days to one week after ingestion of the bait). We had them bad, have some cracked corn with some kind of poisen and they are all gone. When pigeons are poisoned, surviving birds do not leave the area. Rat poisons that we found were available in block, chunk, nugget, seed, and bar forms. [21][22] The massasauga and timber rattlesnakes are rare, but found in eastern and southern Iowa. We had the usda come in this weekend and baited and poisoned them on bait tray s . Safe to use near pets because of its all-natural formula Doesnt leave stains when its used indoors Includes spray nozzle for application, May have an overpowering smell for some users Not as effective as repellents made from harsh chemicals. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Your email address will not be published. Copyright 2023 This Old House Ventures, LLC. Starlings can fit in any holes that are 1.5 inches in diameter or larger, so its wise to fill any holes or gaps in your homes exterior. Internal bleeding could start if the body's reserve of anticoagulant runs out from exposure to enough of it. [3], The first application of a calciferol in rodenticidal bait was in the Sorex product Sorexa D (with a different formula than today's Sorexa D), back in the early 1970s, which contained 0.025% warfarin and 0.1% ergocalciferol. To support this business model, ThisOld Housemay be compensated if you purchase through links on our website. There are many species of birds in the United States, but only three, pigeons, sparrows, and starlings, are normally considered pests around food facilities. These state and federal laws prohibit the intentional and incidental killing of wildlife without proper authorization. The pre-bait is monitored to ensure that only starlings are feeding on the bait and to determine how fast the pre-bait is consumed. Whole peanuts, safflower seeds, sunflower seeds, nectar, and Nyjer (thistle) seed are less appealing to starlings and can help deter them. ; Twedt, D.J. National Poultry Improvement Plan of Arizona, Food Safety Modernization Act-Produce Safety Rule, Organic Certification Cost Share Program (OCCSP), Pesticide Use & Providers Continuing Education, Pesticide Safety Handler and Worker Trainer, Wood Destroying Insect Inspection Reports, Registered Service Agency or Representative, GHP/GAP Certification Training and Cost-Share, Pesticide Safety Trainer Program (Train the Trainer). . Species Name: Sturnus vulgaris Size: 7" to 9"; Geographic Origin: Asia Lifespan: Approximately 15 years How Were Starlings Introduced in the US? Browse our selection of over 20. Get the latest This Old House news, trusted tips, tricks, and DIY Smarts projects from our expertsstraight to your inbox. Isabel Casimiro, MD, is board-certified in internal medicine and works as an endocrinologist at the University of Chicago. Naked mole rats are certainly bizarre creatures. To reverse this blood thinning effect, you may be given vitamin K1 therapy through an IV. We used a bait that we put out in bowls and does a pretty good job. Some pesticides may remain in the pest animal long after its death making it toxic for extended periods of time. STEP 1. They are toxic to rodents for the same reason they are important to humans: they affect calcium and phosphate homeostasis in the body. These effects are gradual, developing over several days. Whether you have a hefty population of starlings or youve tried all the above steps to no avail, these pros will know how to get rid of grackles or starlings in no time. These are harder to group by generation. Call 1-800-222-1222 or use the Poison Control Triage Portal online. All rights reserved. Some rodenticides are lethal after one exposure while others require more than one. While slow-acting poisons take days to kill rodents, they can usually kill more. I guess because we haven't had lasting snow. Meanwhile, calcium releasers increase the total amount of calcium in a rats bloodstream, causing its organs to shut down. Roberts JR, Reigart JR, eds. Theyre also fond of cracked-corn bird feed. 2017 annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers' National Poison Data System (NPDS): 35th annual report. But, as poisoned birds may fly long distance before they die, it's difficult to find carcasses and results of studies may underestimate mortality, this had been shown in studying effectiveness of poison to control ravens. Rat poison is toxic to humans and can cause internal bleeding, organ failure, paralysis, and coma. Starlings quickly get scared to death when they get distracted using unusual things in the surrounding. Some of these devices emit a frequency that makes birds confused or disoriented, so youll need to make sure you select the correct audio frequency for starlings. Kill rodents and nothing else | Farmer's Weekly Oct 11, 2010. These individually-wrapped bars offer a potent bait option for rural homeowners who want to get rid of their local rodent infestation. While the specific method of killing varies depending on the type of poison in the bait, all rat bait works in generally the same way. However, there is not enough verified data to support both claims, because studies of starlicide use were focused on direct mortality and didn't include indirect effects. Keep in mind that rats and mice rarely go far from their nests, so you do not need to place traps in every nook and cranny across the room. Treatment in pets is mostly supportive, with intravenous fluids and pamidronate disodium. Platypi and platypuses make sense as Latin and English pluralizations. Some pesticides are typically used to kill pigeons, starlings, rats and mice. Zinc phosphide/phosphine. [21], In 2008, after assessing human health and ecological effects, as well as benefits,[11] the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced measures to reduce risks associated with ten rodenticides. Apparently they are color blind, so any distinctive coloring of poison baits does not reduce their acceptance to rats. Note when your dog ate the poison, how much you suspect they ate, and what kind of poison it was. These food options still appeal to a wide range of birds, but since they dont appeal to starlings, they are less likely to come around if their preferred food source is gone. You have been subscribed to WBUR Today. Wang M, Yang Y, Hou Y, Ma W, Jia R, Chen J. There are also complications associated with administering treatment, such as: If you or your loved one has swallowed, touched, or inhaled rat poison, do not try to treat the poisoning with over-the-counter medication or natural remedies. The almost hairless rodents which, strangely, are neither moles nor. These professional services may even come with a guarantee that a technician will return if the starlings come back to your yard. One such method has been commercialized and sold under the brand name Rat Ice. Fast-acting poisons kill rats within hours, while we find that slow-acting ones can take as long as a week. The Merck Veterinary Manual states the following: Although this rodenticide [cholecalciferol] was introduced with claims that it was less toxic to nontarget species than to rodents, clinical experience has shown that rodenticides containing cholecalciferol are a significant health threat to dogs and cats. doi:10.3109/15563650.2016.1139713, Yumoto T, Tsukahara K, Naito H, Iida A, Nakao A. Preparations of this chemical may be named as a hydrochloride (e.g. Powdered corn cob and corn meal gluten have been developed as rodenticides. Some we saw also said that it didnt always kill the rats that ate it. Quintox) alone or alongside an anticoagulant are marketed.[1]. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Lodi Sapphire Paste Bait Rat and Mouse Killer Poison Single Feed at the best online prices at eBay! Don't let starlings take over your homeGet free, no-commitment project estimates from wildlife control services near you. wrens and starlings, but no North American bird eats more ants than the flicker. The hormone calcitonin is no longer commonly used.[17]. [5] The site of action is believed to be in the kidney. The rodenticide is also available in a large 20-pound bucket to tackle large, widespread infestations. However, we also noticed that those who were unsatisfied with the product said that it was less effective than traditional traps. I lay awake at night to hate those nasty things. When the snow melted this morning I was horrified to see . Be it your roof, attic, basement, backyard garden, or gutter, they can build their nest anywhere you can think of. Here & Now's Robin Young asks ornithologist Bob Mulvihill (@BobMulvihill) of the National Aviary about starlings and about the controversy over poisoning them. While commonly referred to as " rat poison ", rodenticides are also used to kill mice, squirrels, woodchucks, chipmunks, porcupines, nutria, beavers, [1] and voles. To narrow down your search, we put together the most important factors for you to consider before making a purchase. The best way to avoid a full-on starling infestation is to prevent them from accessing your property in the first place. William Rankin Patton (born June 14, 1954) is an American actor and audiobook narrator. Data on bromethalin poisoning in children indicate it is self-limited in toxicity due to the large amount needed to cause death. If your pet eats rat poison, you need to act fast. Conversely, smaller birds will still feel comfortable with less branch cover. When you need to know how to get a bird out of your house or yard, theres no better expert to call than a professional wildlife removal specialist. Daily monitoring of the treated area to remove and safely dispose of dead animals will reduce the likelihood of secondary poisoning. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022. Safe to use and approved for use in New Zealand. Yes, platypus is a pseudo-Latin bastardization of the Greek words platys and pous. However, we also found that some customers were disappointed that the poison didnt contain the powerful rodenticide bromadiolone. Park officials say most mountain lions found dead in California had rat poison in their bodies, and studies have found other mammals and birds of prey are often exposed. Kill rodents and nothing else | Farmer's Weekly. You are using an out of date browser. 2-min read. Some of these poisons act by inhibiting liver functions and in advanced stages of poisoning, several blood-clotting factors are absent, and the volume of circulating blood is diminished, so that a blood transfusion (optionally with the clotting factors present) can save a person who has been poisoned, an advantage over some older poisons. They were approved in the EU and patented in the US in 2013. The main benefit of anticoagulants over other poisons is that the time taken for the poison to induce death means that the rats do not associate the damage with their feeding habits. Rats are resilient, and if a natural rat repellent doesn't work, you may have to go with a rat poison. A bait consisting of food and a phosphide (usually zinc phosphide) is left where the rodents can eat it. After narrowing down our list of recommendations, we conduct additional research and sometimes in-person testing to ensure that the products meet our standards. You can wait until you've seen starlings come into your feeder, set the trap, and then carefully monitor and scare away any protected birds from entering it. A starling-proof feeder features a standard feeder tube with a cage around it so that larger animals or birds cant access the seed inside. The poison can kill them directly. Alberta, Canada, through a combination of climate and control, is also believed to be rat-free.[27]. Starlings are killed in a slow, "nonviolent" death by uremic poisoning and congestion of major organs. The baits have strong, pungent garlic-like odor due to the phosphine liberated by hydrolysis. It can be used both inside and outside. Emergency treatment is needed, as contact with rat poison can lead to death. Rats are more than just a nuisancethey can spread diseases and chew through wooden structures. Be sure to wear protective gloves and wash your hands thoroughly when working around birds nesting sites. [24] Learn all about mole rodents, such as where they live and what they eat, from the experts in rodent control. When homeowners see a rat, they often panic, but with the right poison or repellent, its an easy problem to take care of and can save you the expense of hiring a rat exterminator. Remove Food Sources Starlings are most drawn to properties that offer lots of food. Rat poison is highly toxic to humans and animals whether it is touched, smelled, or swallowed. The starling call is loud, which can discourage other birds from approaching. "Weve known for a long time that wildlife is exposed to rat poisons, but the big question is, so what?" Rodent control pesticide safety review. As part of this mission, our Wildlife Services (WS) program provides Federal leadership and expertise--upon request--to resolve conflicts between people and wildlife when such conflicts threaten the Nation's natural and . Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved from the Birds of North America Online: "starlicide - Compound Summary (CID: 7255)", "Absorption, distribution, and excretion of 14C-3-chloro-4-methylaniline hydrochloride in two species of birds following a single oral dose", "Probabilistic model for estimating field mortality of target and non-target bird populations when simultaneously exposed to avicide bait", "Attractiveness of brown rice baits to non-target birds in harvested corn and soybean fields", "Characterizing 3-chloro-p-toluidine hydrochloride on rough-hulled rice and ethyl-cellulose-coated rice baits using high-performance liquid chromatography", https://envirolink.govt.nz/assets/Envirolink/899-HZLC75-Future-options-for-the-management-of-rooks.pdf, "Bird culling fallout alarms New Jersey community", "Dead birds horrify and anger Franklin residents", https://www.researchgate.net/publication/299296218_Control_of_the_Indian_House_Crow_Corvus_splendens_in_eastern_Africa, https://www.cabidigitallibrary.org/doi/10.1079/cabicompendium.15463, https://www.chembk.com/en/chem/3-Chloro-4-methylaniline, http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/200doi:10.2173/bna.200, https://www.sprep.org/attachments/VirLib/Samoa/managing-mynas-samoa.pdf, "MH-ICP-MS Analysis of the Freshwater and Saltwater Environmental Resources of Upolu Island, Samoa", "gy kezddtt, hogy a vetsi varj visszattt", https://aiche.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ep.670190114, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/229517884_The_fate_of_the_herbicide_Chlortoluron_and_its_possible_degradation_products_in_soils, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Starlicide&oldid=1152456919, 237 to 238C (459 to 460F; 510 to 511K), This page was last edited on 30 April 2023, at 10:14. Hawks and mammals (only exception are cats) are resistant to the poison. A homeless boy helps put a drug-addicted former athlete on the road to recovery. These birds can wreak havoc on your yard, drive away other types of birds, and disrupt residents with their loud shriekswhich is why its essential to know how to get rid of starlings. Content Updated: 7th February 2016. Make sure any cracks or crevices in your walls, windows, and doors are fully sealed, along with garbage cans and leaky faucets. [12], In 2009, a culling with starlicide received national attention after USDA employees dispensed the poison in Griggstown, New Jersey, to kill an estimated 5,000 starlings that plagued feed lots and dairies on local farms. The chunks have a hole drilled through them, so you can hang them from a pole, which our team found to be a clever design. How long does the dead animal smell last when you use warfarin for rodents. However, attempting Greek does not. Get Control Over Your Rodent Problem with TOMCAT Products. And if poison is used improperly you could be liable in civil court for damages (for example, if your neighbor's dog was injured or killed by poison you set out illegally or negligently, you might be liable to your neighbor). Anticoagulants cause internal bleeding, which leads to death once the rat loses too much blood. They have bromethalin mixed into their oat and nut formula to poison rats without them knowing it. Unfortunately, antifreeze is also toxic to other animals, it causes a variety of undesirable effects including kidney failure as well as death. But because starlings have soft beaks, they cannot eat tougher nuts and seeds such as in-shell peanuts, sunflower seeds, or safflower seeds. From March 17 to 19, locals in the far-west town were left . I don't have 500 bucks and i don't want to kill em. We recommend products in each review using an intensive research process, spending hours combing through the best available products. Larger pieces, such as blocks, chunks, and bars, may be slightly easier to set up and less messy. Mass mortalities of predators and scavengers have been documented. QUESTIONS: What is mange? Alphachloralose bird bait anesthetizes birds so they can be easily removed. 2. [10][11] The effect of the poison is believed to be cumulative: for example, the LC50 for starlings was 4.7 ppm over 30 days, but only 1.0 ppm when fed for 90 days. I was thinking of placing a container of feed/rat poison in the barn so the starlings could feast on it. This article discusses what happens if a person consumes rat poison and what you should do. However, we also noted that those who left negative reviews claimed that the pump leaked and was difficult to use. Associations of a second-generation anticoagulant with an antibiotic and/or vitamin D are considered to be effective even against most resistant strains of rodents, though some second generation anticoagulants (namely brodifacoum and difethialone), in bait concentrations of 0.0025% to 0.005% are so toxic that resistance is unknown, and even rodents resistant to other rodenticides are reliably exterminated by application of these most toxic anticoagulants. Browse our selection of over 20 million products and discover new deals. You can mount noise deterrents to your roof, eaves, or similar spaces where starlings like to roost. ; Guarino, J.L. This synergism is mostly used in calciferol low concentration baits, because effective concentrations of calciferols are more expensive than effective concentrations of most anticoagulants. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is responsible for safeguarding American agriculture and natural resources. Love it when animals have unreasonably long names. Find a Pro +. While rat poison can help you keep your home free of pests, it also puts your cat in danger. Before the advent of anticoagulants, phosphides were the favored kind of rat poison. Alex Shorey, 24 . Attracted to Will is the beautiful, rebellious Alice Burbage, who is forbidden by society from pursuing a career in the theater. However, this issue has been analyzed and found to be non-significant and not discussed by Avery (2013). Close any small holes that could serve as entry points to the home. But some western Massachusetts residents weren't told about a recentpoisoning, and were shocked when starlings started dropping from the sky. We find that rats can be just as big of a problem outdoors as they are indoors. Rat poison can kill a cat in a matter of hours. Of the satisfactory reviews, we found, several liked that it worked well on multiple types of rodents and was easy to disperse. Is this long? Guidance on common pigeon problems and what you can do to prevent them roosting on your property. However, in very cold conditions, death can occur earlier. will_wood_666 7 mo. Acute toxins release a small amount of poison into the rodents bloodstream until it builds up to a lethal dose. My peacocks and pheasants don't free range but their barn is infested with starlings. GG 1 2 3 Next Ordered list Unordered list Trapping Starlings using a Rat Trap! House Sparrows prefer smaller seeds like millet, cracked corn, and milo, which are plentiful in inexpensive bird seed mixes. The corpse warns off other rats, and the rodent problem remains a problem. There is opinion that reduction of starlings benefit native birds, which nest in cavities, and opposite, that reduction can cause increase of insect pests and reduce food for raptors. Smaller snakes eat worms, slugs and insects, while larger snakes eat small mammals like mice and ground squirrels. Activated charcoal or ipecac may be used to detox the gastrointestinal tract. The removal of carp is the latest step in the clean-up and recovery operation following massive fish kills at Menindee six weeks ago. Get rid of starlings, sparrows, pigeons and other pest birds. I know Wisconsin, where I live, severely restricts and in many cases prohibits the use of poison. These are responsible for more than half of all of rat poison-related calls to the Poison Control Center each year. We found that the strongest and most effective rat poisons typically contain bromadiolone or difethialone as their active ingredient. The starling bird is an invasive, sometimes aggressive species. Install deterrents on your roof to keep the birds at bay. Emergency treatment is needed, as contact with rat poison can lead to death. Should you or your loved one come in contact with rat poison, do not wait for symptoms to appear. [7], Anticoagulants are defined as chronic (death occurs one to two weeks after ingestion of the lethal dose, rarely sooner), single-dose (second generation) or multiple-dose (first generation) rodenticides, acting by effective blocking of the vitamin-K cycle, resulting in inability to produce essential blood-clotting factorsmainly coagulation factors II (prothrombin) and VII (proconvertin). In other words, mixtures of anticoagulants and calciferols in same bait are more toxic than a sum of toxicities of the anticoagulant and the calciferol in the bait, so that a massive hypercalcemic effect can be achieved by a substantially lower calciferol content in the bait, and vice versa, a more pronounced anticoagulant/hemorrhagic effects are observed if the calciferol is present. Use of Starlicide (known locally as F-1) in Hungary to control rook population had caused decline of red-footed falcon, which relies upon rooks for nesting and so pesticide was banned. State law protects all wildlife in Arizona. [3], The faster a rodenticide acts, the more critical this problem may be. If you cannot get to a vet, call the Animal Poison Control Center immediately at 1-888-426-4435. License requirements are listed under WCR 304. However, we saw some unhappy customers who claimed that mice and rats sometimes avoided eating the seeds. I've been through a 100rnd box of 20ga this year and still had them, they would see me and fly away come back When I was gone, was lucky to get one. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I would want too as well,but it is hard to keep the poison from non-target animals.Like you could poison the bird,but what about the animal that eats the bird? The name Starlicide originated as a registered trademark of the animal feed manufacturer Ralston-Purina in St. Louis, Missouri. [5][6] This phenomenon of poison shyness is the rationale for poisons that kill only after multiple doses. [18] Rusty blackbirds primarily feed on invertebrates in wet woodlands and near streams throughout the year. He has written for several publications, including the Chicago Tribune, The Dallas Morning News, and Legal Affairs.In his writings, he has focused on how the "war on terrorism" affects civil liberties. HAs anyone ever tried to poison starlings? To prevent rodents from entering your home: Non-toxic rat and rodent repellents you could try include: If this fails, opt for rat traps. Lee Bakewell 229 subscribers Share 28K views 10 years ago Shows how a rat trap can be used to kill starlings. This is because the rodent may carry the poison back to its friends, thinking that its sharing a meal. for $80 or so at a do-it-yourself. Subject: RE: STARLINGS what to poison them with and where to get it !!! Professional_Shirt30 1 yr. ago.