When people begin to adore her for how beautiful she is, it angers the goddess Aphrodite and brings down a curse on her. And theyre situated in the 5th house and my Sun is in there also haha. Psyche in Sagittarius/ 9th house: my souls a nomad, it belongs nowhere & everywhere, its running beside antelopes in Africas wilderness, singing among the Amazon forests macaws, catching penguins with the polar bears (wut?). Many people throughout history have seen the narrative of Psyche as a parable for the development of the human soul. Some examples of these tests are having to pick through a mountain of scattered grains, collecting water from the River Styx, and retrieving a golden fleece from a pack of violent rams. my souls climbing up the Beanstalk towards a castle in the sky, swimming in the clouds, going to places where time & space dont exist, where youre hearing a distant melody but its like a half-forgotten dream, far away & untouchable. They may also be highly intuitive in regard to the wishes and feelings of others around them, which makes for relationships that are both transforming and powerful. How to Find Psyche in Your Chart Go to www.astro.com and in the extended chart selection additional objects type in 16 to bring up Psyches position in your natal chart. It can also reveal qualities that you value or seek in their romantic relationships, as well as how you approach the process of emotional bonding with others. They also can indicate ill health through association with the sign Virgo and Scorpio. I can see the reality of your discription in my life. Now that he had healed from his wound, he flew down and rescued Psyche, lifting her up to the heavens where he asked Zeus to grant Psyche immortality so that they could be justly married. I love asteroid Psyche I have an exact conjunction with Jupiter and Cupido all in virgo, 8th house. The first one was that as we went deeper into the UV, we started to see the asteroid get brighter, which is pretty rare, Becker said. Perhaps it is wise to start with her symbol the butterflys wing and a star. When Psyche aspects other planets in the synastry chart, it can create soulful connections between two individuals, often transcending the physical plane. Originally meaning soul in Greek, Psyche has evolved to encompass breath, mind, and even consciousness. These people may have heightened psychic or intuitive talents and be compelled to delve into the mysteries of their own consciousness through practices like prayer, dream analysis, astrology, and other forms of introspective spirituality. Wow, Im so impressed with your writing xx, Thanks Leah, Ive actually never written poetry in English before. I know that one must guard his soul to survive the frigid winters of the world, the savages thatll tear you apart once you show weakness; its rare to find a place where its safe to reveal whats underneath. Cancer Psyche people feel deeply and look for meaningful relationships that can nurture them and make them feel safe. They laid the seeds of doubt in her mind, suggesting that her invisible lover was in fact the monster the Gods once said she would marry. During her time in the Twins homeland, she gains an understanding of the value of listening to others, laughing at herself, and trying new things. The flash of understanding comes when she sees the light. All About Love Asteroids in Astrology | Astrology Answers But, as the sleep of Hades tells us, she can no longer hide behind her beauty nor blame it or anyone else for her predicament. Psyche was distraught and knew she had to see who her lover was even though he had made her promise never to try to reveal his face. The 12th house is a Cadent house, which are the houses that are naturally linked to the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces; the 12th house links to Pisces). Psyche urges us to embrace vulnerability, to delve into the labyrinth of our emotions, and to uncover the true nature of our beings. my souls been looking for a home even since I came here; I keep asking the same question each person I meet, every place I go to - is it you is it you? But Light and Darkness smiled at him when finally hed sit: You knew from the Beginning, it would always come to aid. Venus conjunct Saturn is fitting as it literally describes the trials that Venus (Aphrodite) gives to Psyche to prove her worth. Relationships that are harmonious, serene, and balanced tend to be desirable to those with a Libra Psyche. When she decides to steal one drop of the beauty oil, it is like her one last attempt at keeping the soul and the ego separate to stay unconscious. Thanks Weaver the wonders of synchronicity . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. To further their quest for self-awareness, they may be drawn to spiritual or religious practices to be the best version of themselves. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. The act of traveling tohigher education, and exposure to different culturesmay all aid in these peoplesspiritual growth. Psyche is drawn to the enormous horizons of the ninth house, the House of Philosophy and Exploration. Asteroid Psyche shows where you have the ability to transform, blossoming into a person who can love and be loved. On the way back, Psyche couldnt help herself. Not an easy task, just like psyches journey . Psyche in the chart shows where you need healing at a soul level to unify the self. She shows the world that loveis eternal via the universal language of the soul. Eros in signs. if I step out of the shadows, stop seeking truth in the darkest of places, adjust my eyes to the light, I may find me a spot in the illuminated world. Also, the 12th house is where spirit guides reside. Psyche in Virgo/ 6th house: my souls at peace whenever I spend time with my pet; out of all beings, animals understand me the most, words arent needed to communicate; I need a purpose, something to push me forward in life, to make me feel like I belong & am alive; a wasted, meaningless lifetimes what I fear most. Butterflies symbolise transformation as they literally transform their shape from unbecoming caterpillar to extraordinary winged beauty. Throughout much of the story, Psyche is weak breaking her promise to Eros, taking revenge on her sisters and often seeking a way to kill herself. I am an astrologer and tarot reader. Im a wandering soul, I dream of places Ive never been to & wanna see the sun rise from every hill on earth. Astrologers regard the asteroid Psyche as the higher octave of Venus, . This caused a drop of burning oil to fall upon his shoulder. Therefore, her presence in our charts may indicate soulmates or twin flames, those whose love transcends time and space, and serves to heal the deepest wounds within our hearts. Having Psyche in thishouse is a constant reminder that even the most ordinary of duties may be imbued with purpose and spiritual significance. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Im a wandering soul, I dream of places Ive never been to & wanna see the sun rise from every hill on earth. but I will see nothing. hills SPIRIT ASTEROID (37452) I have Psyche in 8H Scorpio (con Hekate & Asbolus & Sisyphus, opp 2H Tau Cupido, sq 12H Aq Pallas & Uranus, tri 1H Pis Ceres & 5H Can Moon, sex 7H Vir P Fort, semisq 10H Sag Sun) and what you say makes total sense! God took a little breath and blew the Word out in the Dark, The Word became a Song and in the Dark there came a Light. The way out of hell is through the Tower. These individuals want to strengthen their sense of self through meaningful soul connections, and they do so with all the fire, intuition, and charisma they can generate. It is on line. Psyche orbits the Sun between Mars and Jupiter at a distance ranging from 235 million to 309 million miles (378 million to 497 million kilometers) from the Sun. Those with Psyche in the sixth house of work and service are likely to be attracted to helping professions or volunteer activities. Located between Mars and Jupiter, Asteroid 16 Psyche is one of the most massive objects in the asteroid belt in our solar system, and with a diameter of about 140 miles, it is roughly the same . Social Media Lead: appreciated. Originally meaning 'soul' in Greek, Psyche has evolved to encompass breath, mind, and even consciousness. Psyche in Libra/ 7th house: my souls wherever love resides, I speak loves language & see it in every being, every flower; Im forever searching for a familiar soul to spend my life with, I know we werent created to be alone & love alone, its a gift made to be shared with the world around us. Psyche in the 5th House: Natal, Transit, and Synastry Asteroid Psyche (16) in the natal chart shows where (house) our soul feels at home, what (sign) makes it feel at home. I wanna hear music forever & wherever, want laughter & noise to never cease; my souls a library full of the knowledge Ive gathered from all the places Ive seen, all the people Ive talked to. She shows the world that genuine affection goes beyond surface levels and touches us at our very essence. This part of the story relates to Psyche not really knowing herself. Normally what we cannot accept within ourselves we then project onto others as Psyche does when she fears Eros to be a monster. We looked at the way that the ultraviolet light reflected off of the asteroid surface, Tracy Becker told CNN. Overcome with everything and thinking this is certain death, Psyche takes herself to the top of a tower ready to throw herself off. In synastry, Psyche contacts between two individuals denote intuitive knowing and understanding, or a complete absence thereof. Psyches placement in the seventh house is indicative of a need for a profound soulmateconnection. Psyche was tested to ensure it can operate in the extreme conditions it will face on its trip to a metal-rich asteroid. Everyone in the world is going to be able to look at Psyche at the same time we are, and scratch their heads and say, what is this thing? she added. People with this placement tend to be highly sensitive, intuitive, and compassionate, and they have a strong interest in discovering their spiritual selves. These people may have a deep connection to their ancestors and be interested in learning more about their heritage and customs. The asteroid Psyche is one of the love asteroids that connect to a romantic relationship. With its solar arrays installed, the spacecraft is close to its final configuration ahead of a planned August launch. A strong natal Sappho can mean you're someone who attracts many people to you and is fairly comfortable in your own skin. Asteroid Eros in the houses. Psyches position may show what shadows are revealed when love comes knocking at your door and what must be incorporated before you can connect with another. Devastated at the broken promise, Eros left wounded and hollow. Psyche in Leo/ 5th house: my soul comes alive when the lights go out in the theatre, when I hear And action!, when I can feel all eyes on me; I am most at home when I get lost in art & forget about the world around me, when I let emotion guide my hand, voice, body. They connect us back through time to the beginning and make us ponder the big questions, the greater pattern. He named the asteroid for Psyche, the Greek goddess of the soul who was born mortal and married Eros (Roman Cupid), the god of Love. The missions launch, originally slated for 2023, was moved up to 2022, and will take place from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, using a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket. The House of Partnerships and Relationships, or the seventh house, is where Psyche ascends. This placement can indicate a natural talent for artistic expression and a strong desire to express themselves authentically. Subscribe for occassional updates and announcements. The questions Elkins-Tanton hopes to find answers to could help us understand the ingredients that went into making the cake that is, our planet. In the Discovery chart, the Sun is quincunx to Psyche. She gains self-assurance, inventiveness, and the capacity to stir up respect and affection in the Lions domain. Scientists plan on making these images immediately available for everyone on Earth to see and study further, possibly within 30 minutes of taking them, Elkins-Tanton said. Psyche was discovered by Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis on March 17, 1852. Psyche in Aries/ 1st house: my souls raw, childlike, chasing fireflies late in the summer night, with not even the wind being able to catch me; I dont hide my soul behind a hundred layers of bullshit, which is why it has collected some bruises along the way. If you've ever felt like someone just getsya, is one the same wavelength as you, you might have the same Psychesor have aspects with Psychein synastry. Psyche in the 1st House: Natal, Transit, and Synastry Asteroid Psyche | LUA ASTROLOGY but I will see nothing. Her ethereal touch serves as a gentle yet powerful reminder that ones true wealth lies inside, and that material possession will never replace the value of ones inner wealth. and theres never an answer. If you're not lost, cool I'm glad you found yourself. side note: if you compose your Eros with Venus sign and house can give you a better image for the way you love, if you do the same with Mars can give you more about your passion. All Rights Reserved. The Song resounded and Dark felt that the Light was really sweet, Inhaling Dark, exhaling Light, the Song would make them one. NASA had planned to send a probe to the asteroid 16 Psyche in 2022. my souls searching for something that will reach me through this world I created. As people develop emotionally and spiritually, they could also find that their relationships and values evolve. Butterflies are also known as ephemeral creatures, they flutter from flower to flower, like a young girl or boy in teenage years flitting from crush to crush. If youve ever felt like someone just gets ya, is one the same wavelength as you, you might have the same Psyches or have aspects with Psyche in synastry. The house and sign of our own natal Psyche shows where we might be seen for something we are not, where we might try to live up to someone elses expectations, where we may be too concerned with how we look to others and where we are given trial after trial in order to recognise our own beauty for what it is. Psyche In The 8th House: Keep Your Genuine Love Alive The Tower comes after the Devil card. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. How NASA's Psyche Mission Will Explore an Unexplored World They may find that engaging in creative pursuits such as music, writing, or visual art helps them get in touch with their true selves and find meaning in life. I just reread your article and my comment from last summer as the upcoming new moon will be on my Pallas on my 5th house cusp, making a grand trine with my Gem Psyche/NN and Libra Venus. If youve ever felt like someone just gets ya, is one the same wavelength as you, you might have the same Psyches or have aspects with Psyche in synastry. A rare metallic asteroid about three times farther away from the sun than our planet could yield secrets about Earths molten core, and scientists want to learn all about it. Traditionally it rules secret enemies, institutions such as prisons, hospitals and asylums and other places of generalized pain and suffering, hidden activities, exile and seclusion.