This is, not the case in the United States. Food and drink > Alcohol > Alcohol consumed from > Homemade and illegal drinks. Kenya and the United States have long been close allies and have enjoyed cordial A sentence would start in English and down the road, wanders off into some other language before finding its way back to English. That is the dynamism of Kiswahili language. Traditions in Eastern Culture, Auto-Ethnography: US and Saudi Arabia Differences, Value, Mores, Folkway, Sanction in Holiday Celebrations, Chinese Culture, Society Language, and Religion, National and Cultural Identity of Canadian Population, * Hyperlink the URL after pasting it to your document. Kenyans table manners are relatively formal. It is the sad day when we wake up and all of the left overs are gone. In the process of socialization, human beings adopt a certain culture; culture is defined as commonly experienced attributes and traits that can be seen in a homogenous group of people mostly living within the same locality. Wait for the Kenyan to determine that your friendship has reached this level of intimacy. Learn more. In their attempt not to cause problems, Kenyans often use metaphors, analogies and stories to make a point. You will understand if you speak more than one language, that sometimes it is a lot easier for people to express particular concepts in one language better than another. The African Americans behave so much differently thatn their European Americans in terms of how they handle such things as time and eating as the writer portrays the America he interacted with. Initially we thought it was because its Sunday and everyone was attended church or temple. I think you could have done abetter article for education purposes. I actually find it ridiculous when people do these comparisons because I don't think any society is aspiring to be like the other. The most common greeting is the handshake. The continent is larger than North America and comprises over 3,000 ethnic groups, speaking over 1,500 languages, residing in 54 countries. Religions: Meeting schedules may be structured or not at all depending upon the ownership of the company. I know in Kenya, you say "Eat your food, there are children starving in Turkana" or something like that. The idea of running around is therefore not necessary. StudyCorgi. In the United States, families are relatively, smaller in size. English is used for international commerce, higher education, and national administrations, while Kiswahili is used for interethnic social interactions and grassroot or local administration. While it is not impossible to live on a vegetarian diet in Kenya (there are many people descended from South Asia who are vegetarians), expect to see meat in many Kenyan diets. You can get proper methods to improve your social skills and make yourself more appealing out there in front of the partner of your choice. Comparison Between African and American Cultures Spend any amount of time in the Middle East or North Africa, and you will become familiar with the Arabic phrase "inshallah." Back home, food is served in moderate portions so that if one needed more, they could always ask for more. Iphoneg4, i did my research, I consulted the knowledgeable and hurray..I found out that you are a kikuyu.One angry kikuyu. Do not begin eating until the eldest male has been served and started eating. Is that wastage too? Mobile phones are also more expensive to acquire than here in the U.S. They want to stop you in the hallway and they cannot stop talking, you have to excuse yourself. as well as other partner offers and accept our, Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories, After spending months in the Middle East, I'm convinced a single phrase with more than a dozen meanings is key to understanding Arab culture, traffic cost Egypt about 3.6% of its gross domestic product, A year ago I left New York to travel around the world as Business Insider's. Kenya vs USA compare and contrast assignment BUSN225.docx, Samantha Walters - Individual Project Culture ORGD 341 (1).docx, From the Caf Kenya case of Harvard Busines School Apply the Timmons model to Caf Kenya. Githeri Kikuyu staple; beans and corn mixed together, with our without another vegetable. Down the road, however, after you get a grasp of Kiswahili, you will discover the proper greetings Hujambo, or Hamjambo if there are more of you. Finally, what does Mzee Moja mean? Be cognitive of the fact you too speak with an accent that may not be familiar. Commonly eaten with ugali and meat if available. Politicians know this and therefore turn such functions into impromptu political rallies. Cooking at home, you will have no problems finding enough proteins to supplement your diet. It is like walking in on someone naked. Not only are these foods inexpensive to buy, but by buying them one is promoting the local economy and directly helping someone to support their families. Let me be clear. 1 Jan. 2020, Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. (2020, January 1) Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. In Kenya, there are only four telephone service providers. I agree, there is a lot of food wastage around here. Official languages: Swahili, English. It is considered polite to finish everything on your plate, although it is not mandatory. She could never understand this eating on the go. Harassment of women is not exclusive to Arab society. Hours of productivity and economic output are lost every day to Nigeria's power grid, marking a stark departure from the consistent presence of electricity (WiFi) in my New York life. When being introduced to someone for the first time, the handshake is short, while handshakes among people with a personal relationship are longer. Despite the free movement of labor, capital, and international trade, the difference in culture can be seen in metropolitan states like the United States. Religions: Protestant 45%, Roman Catholic 33%, Muslim 10%, indigenous beliefs 10%, other 2%. The most common greeting is Jambo? (How are you?), which is generally said immediately prior to the handshake. It all depends on who is reading the write up. Even deep in the village where fridges only exist in peoples dreams, githeri that was cooked on Saturday will be food for the family for almost a week. In Kenya, that number is 71% of people on average (91% in urban areas, and 63% in rural areas) as of 2020. American Here! In British or Indian owned companies, agendas will be used and followed. Did you read about those guys who would rather die of illnesses than let a cow that died of ECF go to waste. No ticket was issued, but money was exchanged. But the frequency and degree were far more severe. If I had a sponsor, I would prepare a two hour documentary of Kenyan men and their hats. Facts About Kenya: Culturally Vibrant, Beautifully Diverse 7 times more than Kenya. In January, Al Shabaab attacked a hotel complex in a wealthy district of Nairobi, killing more than 20 people. Kenyans pride themselves on their emotional control and expect the same in others. Kenya is a multilingual country. Masala chips - French fries coated with a tomato base and plenty of spices. No wonder simple ceremonies take forever in the village. Before marriage, dating couples are not expected to express their love; they are not supposed to go into the streets showing that they love each other. In some cases that is accurate, while in others it's more about Western perceptions. There are also many very remote towns and villages that still have some of the native people left in them. Kenya Prepare five-year growth plan for Caf Kenya Explore the current target market of cafe. 1[caption1 id=attachment_12710 align=alignleft width=300 caption= The Test]. If invited to dinner at a Kenyans home, bring pastries, flowers, or sweets for the hostess. It was expected we would put our some sweets and coffee or even an entire meal.. Today everyone has at least two cars. Around 13% of the population are of non-African descent, i.e. @Guesthehehe..hata mimi nimeshangaa.which part of America does he live..Americans dress to the NINES! People even have Sunday bests! Hofstede In Nigeria, it is frowned upon to greet, eat with, or take items with your left hand. It includes relatives on both sides of the family as well as close friends. A land of vast distances and rich natural resources, Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867 while retaining ties to the British crown. Kenya is an African state with a population of slightly over 40 million; the country has forty-two tribes with the Kikuyu as the dominant tribe. It is a good idea to take a small amount the first time the platters are brought so that you may take second helpings when urged. 1. Or not. On my first trip to Africa (we arrived on a Sunday) we were impressed with the beautiful dresses and full make up on the woman. @iphone4g. The United States of America is a metropolitan country with an influx of people from different parts of the world; the different nationalities have different experiences in life and thus their culture differs from the American style. At the age of eighteen especially for men, culture dictates that a man should innovate his or her way of doing things. I must acknowledge, though, that many people dont see the portions as huge; they see it as enough. Sukuma Wiki (push week in Swahili) Kenyan staple; originally named when used to push through the week because there wasnt enough money to afford anything else. The next morning, all the neighborhood dust bins will be full to the brim with wasted, and good food. Culture 2.5. While I was driving in Lagos with a colleague, my car was stopped by a police officer who proceeded to shake down my driver for a "fine" when he decided one of his identification papers was out of date. Explore similarities and differences. While you are likely to have some cultural mix-ups as an American visiting European countries, it's nothing compared to Africa, where things seem to work completely differently from the US. Ofcourse food is supposed to be enjoyed followed by some socialisition. Typically, with both dishes, a large platter is placed in the center of the table, and each person takes turns either rolling balls of couscous or using pieces of Moroccan bread to scoop up pieces of meat or sop up sauce. Americans waste a lot of food Make no mistake, the sheer amount of food wasted in one county in the USA per day is 2. In the family set-up, another interesting element is how men are expected to express their love to their spouses; according to Joel, men show their love by battling their wives. Although the Kenyan belief in God, he believes that God lives in the topmost mountain of a country, when he is in a certain country, he has to ensure that at one particular point he knows the direction of the highest mountain, when praying he must face that direction. Showing anger is considered a sign of mental instability. A long suffering (In most cases women and more and more men are joining) marriage (African love). In this video I explain all the things that I have struggled to understand all these differences since moving to Kenya! It was expected that if you were driving near our family home you were expected to "drop in" unannounced. So we have Chinese, Kaunda suits, West African, European, and American dressing styles. It must be noted that most of the food in Africa is natural and fresh, as opposed to the artificially-flavored, refrigerated food mostly consumed here. Their focus is to complete the job at hand. What do you call it when the West give food and other aid to the needy peoples of the world? Country comparison: Kenya / United States of America Next time, address more topical and interesting issues of the day. clear in leadership, food, religion, family, and work. I know that because half of the Taarifa ya Habari in the evening was dedicated to the Presidents diary. I heard one man ask when he entered a deserted banking hall at 1PM. It should also be noted that America has changed in the last 50 years. I once saw a driver shaving as he drove to work. Even some presidential functions takes minutes, na watu wanaenda shughuli. This cultures present may not only distinguish them from each others, but there are some things in Kenya - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette Little do they know it comes from a lifetime of handshaking in Kenya! Kaburini au sio? They equally have less of mental / psychological issues, lifestyle diseases, weirdos etc, mass shootings relative to the U.S. And in the long run, hii mbio yelekeapi? [online] Available at: [Accessed ENTER DATE]. Serving the University of Rochester community since 1873. The phrase translates roughly to "if God wills it so," but the colloquial meaning of inshallah depends on the context. For better or worse (but most likely worse), we tend to think of our way of doing things as the "right" way. Americans also question and contradict their superiors openly, within reason, while in India, this would be seen as disrespectful and rude. Although the official languages are Swahili and English, there are actually a total of 62 languages spoken in the country (according to Ethnologue). Differences Between The Czech Republic Small dukas (roadside stores with a permanent structure) sell things like toilet paper, phone cards, eggs, and soda. Respect. I once had a visit couple from Germany and the lady insisted we must sit dow for meals, now for the American I have become my dinning table had been replaced by a desk with a computer on it. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. According to Xian, there is a major difference between the Chinese and Americans in how they handle their parents, according to the Chinese culture, it is the role of children to take care of the old. This is a huge contrast to the US, where most Americans claim to be Christian. WebOne of the biggest cultural norms in America is tipping. Sometimes it feels as if you're in a slow-moving mall. Everyone is wearing them. Or a host of other greetings, some slang, depending on what part of Nairobi or Kenya you are in and who you are hanging out with. Dining patterns vary tremendously according to ethnicity, location and socio-economic position of the host. If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group. We are too busy to do our hair. Sometimes it is not enough. As a Mom we LIVE in yoga pants, leggings and ballet slippers or "trainers" which we call "sneakers" or "tennis shoes" or "tennies". At work, people act like I dress up when the truth is, they are too dressed down. Some children grow into adulthood before seeing their dads hair, and if mom is a Womans Guild member, then the poor child will never know the color of his parents hair! Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash. Close female friends may hug and kiss once on each cheek instead of shaking hands. Ranked 65th. Hong Kong is situated on Chinas south coast; it is one of the two SARs (Special Administrative Region) of the larger China, the region is has a fast growing economy. Maize - Street food; unsweetened corn roasted over hot coals, most commonly served with chili lime salt. Economically and technologically, the nation has developed in parallel with the US, its neighbor to the south across the world's longest Because of the larger population, which causes a higher demand for food, agriculturalists have been pushed into finding faster ways of food production. At times, I found the phrase frustrating, until I learned to decipher the meaning. Also: a group of people that share the same In Kenya, that number is 40.0% as of 2013. be 2.4 times more likely to live below the poverty line. It s them who approach the parents and seek to start marriage negotiations; in case of divorce, American courts are used but in Saudi Arabia, the process must follow Muslim teachings that call for an elder determination of a case. A 2010 World Bank study found that traffic cost Egypt about 3.6% of its gross domestic product every year. For us, eating is a leisurely affair meant to be enjoyed. Kenyan Culture - Core Concepts Cultural Atlas Therefore, it is a good idea to provide a historical framework or context when attempting to introduce a new idea or process. How long is your commute? 5. Have you heard of any workplace mass shootings in Kenya? Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. Zillennial Life. Vehicle manufacturers must ensure there are like ten cup holders in a Camry. In some homes, a washing basin will be brought to the table. What are differences you notice between our Neo-Nazi movement and the NSDAP? We sit down in a restaurant, order for tea and mandazi. @Sam NgugiKenyans especially in cities mimic western dressing n mannerisms.Nigerians r better dressers than KenyaTanzanians too..especially Tanzanian women. StudyCorgi. The author needs to do more research if he tryly wants to display the American culture as it is. Infuse that with influence of local languages and you have a version of Kenyan English that takes good listening to understand. I once saw a notice in a restaurant, "After eating leave within five minutes." And Kiswahili is only one of the few dozen languages spoken in Kenya. He would be cursed by the villagers to the high heavens. In United States, there are approximately 12.3 babies per 1,000 people as of 2022. World Heritage Sites. Thereafter, in my various interactions I realized that America has different standards of measurement from most of the world. One language alone, Luhya, is constituted by sixteen dialects. Slowly but surely, the multiculturalism that made America strong will be the very reason that will make America weak. In Egypt, when I asked a tour guide what time we would leave for the day, he told me, "9:30 a.m., inshallah." A Kenyan will greet you animatedly in the morning when you meet, at noon during lunch break, and in the evening when you meet at Magomano for a drink. A 2013 United Nations study found that over 99% of Egyptian women said they had been harassed. What was the point of this haphazard article, if it was to portray the differences, it failed, if to educate, it failed. Both are the countrys official languages and used for instruction in schools: Kiswahili in lower primary and English through upper primary and high school. Ati Mzee Moja - I think it should be Mzee Mmoja, Kiswahili sanifu.acha zako bana! When poverty mentality superceeds abundance mentality; people turn to misers fearing to spend lest they become destitute like so and so in their midst. United States spends 16.8% of its total GDP on healthcare as of 2019. It is After Hours soloists that really make the EP, with voices from graduates I havent heard in years. WebIn Kenyan culture, communities are generally conservative, with some embracing progressive changes in lifestyle in urban centers. In Kenya, that number is 7.1% of people as of 2016. To rush a greeting is extremely rude. We left an hour later. If in a family of say 4, 6 or 8 only one person is productive; then you expect deficits in the needs of such families. Servants often bring the courses to individual guests who are expected to take what they want. , Sunday was church day (I had never met a non-Christian until I left for university. Kenya vs United States Culture Stats Compared - NationMaster (Where does he want us to go this early?) In Lagos, I asked all my business acquaintances to meet me at my hotel so only one of us had to deal with the traffic. What about those who fight over dead carcasses of elephants or hippos. (2021) 'Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans'. Culture and customs of Saudi Arabia. WebThe distinction between East Asia and the West is only one of many cultural distinctions that separate different ways of thinking about intelligence. While it varies greatly from country to country, it is fair to say that in most African and Middle Eastern countries, you should avoid leading with your left hand. Secondly, during lunch, Americans frown upon anyone interrupting them when eating food. Americans provide a small tip on top of the total cost of their bill. Here are some quick, key facts you should know about Kenya: Population: 52,214,791. They can be comparatively as - Often (not always) Pan-European oriented - Strong influence from American culture - More openly Pagan - Cultural/Spiritual movement instead of a Political Party What else? Even today, I am still perplexed at the large portions of food served at almost all eating places. Although family is the basic unit in, both cultures, the size of the family differs in both cultures. Though with recent developments, such as lowering of tariffs and the installation of the optic fiber cable, things seem to be looking up for the telecommunications industry. 2 and more on them. After that, a Hi would suffice, better still, a superficial grin would also act as greetings. Other times, it's a polite cover for something someone doesn't want to tell you, like when a guesthouse had given up my room because of a double booking. Read more: After spending months in the Middle East, I'm convinced a single phrase with more than a dozen meanings is key to understanding Arab culture. - Often (not always) Pan-European oriented - Strong influence from American culture - More openly Pagan - Cultural/Spiritual movement instead of In United States, approximately 5.2 children (per 1,000 live births) die before they reach the age of one as of 2022. In reply to Beyond your first assertion by Mwakilishi. Cultural Differences Between USA and Kenya.edited.docx Reddit, what cultural differences separate your country Ethnic Make-up: Kikuyu 22%, Luhya 14%, Luo 13%, Kalenjin 12%, Kamba 11%, Kisii 6%, Meru 6%, other African 15%, non-African (Asian, European, and Arab) 1%. Most work places are business casual and even jeans. In some comments, it seemed to discredit some tradations especially the Kenyan, like the sitting down to enjoy a meal rather than to eat on the go. They are nothing but a bunch of savages, dark like all, jigger-infested, and with brown teeth and lice infested hair." Aberdeen: Hong Kong University Press. Around half the population are Christians, 10% Muslim and there are small Hindu and Sikh minorities. Poor Moody Awori tried to introduce the National Dress, we told him, why fix something thats not broken. They may ask questions until they feel comfortable and are able to proceed satisfactorily. This is a humorous light piece of writing and not in the least, intellectual. WebAn intensive virtual programme designed for leaders and consultants interested in using Organisational Culture as a tool of management and change. In Nairobi there are many kiosks (roadside stands) where local people sell fruits, vegetables, and legumes on the street that are grown within the region. I quickly learned that every plan I made in either city was contingent on the traffic. Culture But methinks we are lovers of taking life at a stride. Beyond the turkey, they will make mountains of pies, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes and the whole gamut of mishmash added to a variety of drinks. The villagers would be heard complaining. That is unlike us Kenyans where you can talk as you eat. WebRanked 51st. StudyCorgi, 5 May 2021, It's a free, question-and-answer based forum to discuss OMG, the dressing here is ridiculously bad. Their love affairs are intense and short lived. We have few tips for you. Saudi Arabia is a Middle East country that has undergone a rapid economic growth rate in the recent past. To submit feedback, or to report an issue, email the Web Staff at Area: 224,080 square expensive as restaurants in Washington, D.C. Professional Studies and Executive Education. Men in ill-fitting suits and poorly tied ties, boots, mtumba sneakers, NBA and European clubs T-shirts. After a divorce, children are the properties of the woman in America while in Saudi Arabian; men should take the role of taking care of the children. Do not bring alcohol unless you know that your host drinks. In most cases in the United States, children stop living with their. They are composed of two children (Anthropology, 2021). The Kenyan Constitution guarantees freedom of religion. Culture Shock: From Kenya to America - Campus Times 3 times more than United States. While traveling in Egypt and Morocco in December and January, my partner experienced harassment and verbal abuse related to both her gender and her race and was even followed particularly when I was not with her on the street. Population: 51+ million (estimated - 2019.). Comparative Management of Human Resources between Beverages are not generally served with meals since Kenyans think it is impolite to eat and drink at the same time. WebKenyaUnited States relations are bilateral relations between Kenya and the United States. Thirty minutes? I am simply tired of jeans and T-shirts. Sophomore Daniel Pyskaty, former SA Senator and Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, will be next years SA President, succeeding. Robert Serpell, PhD, who is There is an abundance of international restaurants including Italian, Na T-shirt. Since there are so many different tribes they have lots of native languages. By the end of the project, a few babies had been born in the locality that had similar eyes and complexion with the Chinese laborers. Kenyans waste time greeting and eating. That is beside the point. An American might find visiting a Muslim nation a shock for a simple reason: Alcohol is often either forbidden or very taboo. Gifts need not be expensive. Joel is a Kikuyu, It is all a part of the experience. Everyone had one car for the Dad to go to work. The Massai of Kenya. As a left-handed person, I found this difficult to get used to. The fact that the American lives in the same country do not guarantee that they have a common culture; however some things can be attributed more to them than countries. In this respect, Kenyans have a better quality of life, Americans have quantity. Business cards are exchanged without formal ritual. Globalization vs. On mention some of the t-shirts and jeans apiece cost as much as 5 mitumba suits plus dress shirts! Keep writing Mzee Moja without a care about the spelling of your pen name! Ati Kenyans wasting time in eating and greetings? You might pay a little bit less (flour, milk, sugar) or a little bit more (cheese, pickles, etc.) Americans are poor dressers - according to who? Except for formal functions, there is generally not a seating plan.