Then Thor saw that the glove was the hall in which he had spent the night, and that the adjoining room was the thumb of the glove. It is one of the reasons that the Prose Edda is continuously under scrutiny by modern Norse scholars. You have traveled far to see us. Hymer plied the oars in the bow, and thus the rowing soon ended. Freyja has many names, and the reason therefor is that she changed her name among the various nations to which she came in search of Oder. They took his huge skull and made the sky. When I first found you in the woods I came to meet you, and when you were to loose the provision-sack I had bound it with iron threads, but you did not find where it was to be untied. Gylfi was more nervous than ever, and began to wring his hands a little. High-One raised an eyebrow and grinned, saying, "You are still confused. Have you not been told that the gods made a bridge from earth to heaven, which is called Bifrost? She keeps in a box those apples of which the gods eat when they grow old, and then they become young again, and so it will be until Ragnarok (the twilight of the gods). It is part of a collection of mythological and legendary poems called the Poetic Edda. Believing he was disguised he traveled to sgar, the dwelling place of the gods. High-One answered again, "A certain man who was called Mundilfari had two children. In setting up the deluding of Gyfi, he tells the reader that the sagas told within its pages are tall tales. It is good to call on him for harvests and peace. Har answered: That is a wonderful question. Isn't it sad that Gylfi should feel this way? Hel he cast into Niflheim, and gave her power over nine worlds, that she should appoint abodes to them that are sent to her, namely, those who die from sickness or old age. Ginnunga means something like "magical, mighty" and himin literally means "heaven". SYNOPSIS King Gylfi's deluding is the first chapter of The Prose Edda, one of the first Icelandic texts (13th century) and probably the most exhaustive medieval source of our knowledge of Norse legends. Thor stands by his side, but can give him no assistance, for he has his hands full in his struggle with the Midgard-serpent. Frigg is his wife, and she knows the fate of men, although she tells not thereof, as it is related that Odin himself said to Asa-Loke: Then said Ganglere: What are the names of the other asas? Gylfi was a king of Sweden, and he lived among his people there happily for many years. But the gods were angered by that arrogance and took the siblings and set them up in the sky, they made Sun drive that horse who drew the sun's chariot which the gods had shaped to light the world from an ember which flew from Muspell's World. He is very daring and stout-hearted. When the builder saw that his work was not going to be completed, he resumed his giant form. The Midgard-serpent took the ox-head into his mouth, whereby the hook entered his palate, but when the serpent perceived this he tugged so hard that both Thors hands were dashed against the gunwale. Skrymer then took the provision-sack and threw it on his back, and, leaving them, turned into the wood, and it has not been learned whether the asas wished to meet him again in health. Thence come these two wolves. Har answered: Much is to be said about it. Thor stood by and hallowed the pile with Mjolner. Kevin Crossley-Holland's The Norse Myths He chose the latter, and made a tremendous leap over the top line of the net. About midnight there was a great earthquake; the ground trembled beneath them, and the house shook. Methought, as I awoke, that some moss from the branches fell on my head. He asked Hymer what they were to have for bait, but Hymer replied that he would have to find his own bait. Where is the story about the delusion of Gylfi set? Then answered he who came in last, namely Loke: I know the feat of which I am prepared to give proof, that there is no one present who can eat his food faster than I. Now Thor became angry, assumed his asa-might and spurned so hard that both his feet went through the boat and he stood on the bottom of the sea. I can see these things which you have taken as proof. But when his breath gave out, and he looked into the horn to see how it had gone with his drinking, it seemed to him difficult to determine whether there was less in it than before. He left and returned the things he learned to the people of Iceland. Answered Har: The next thing was that when the rime melted into drops, there was made thereof a cow, which hight Audhumbla. [Gangleri/Gylfi goes on to ask High One, Just-as-High, and Third many things about the nature of the universe and the gods and heroes of Scandinavian mythology. The wolf opened his mouth terribly wide, raged and twisted himself with all his might, and wanted to bite them; but they put a sword in his mouth, in such a manner that the hilt stood in his lower jaw and the point in the upper, that is his gag. Ale, or Vale, is the son of Odin and Rind. Gylfi shook his head in agreement, that's why he was here: to learn not to be tested. Imagine being a man like Odinn or his brothers and trying to live in a universe made of a huge frozen giant who drinks milk all day.". Plenty is there of good drink for those who deem this a joy in the hall called Brimer. They discovered a large hall and went to it. Jafnhar remarked: Of the blood that flowed from the wounds, and was free they made the ocean; they fastened the earth together and around it they laid this ocean in a ring without, and it must seem to most men impossible to cross it. Gangleri is then challenged to show his wisdom by asking questions, as is the custom in many sagas. What game will you now offer me? She was first married to a man who hight Naglfare. Then they saw a burg standing on a plain, and it was so high that they had to bend their necks clear back before they could look over it. Odin rides first; with his golden helmet, resplendent byrnie, and his spear Gungner, he advances against the Fenris-wolf. This place is called Gladsheim. The steed, knowing what sort of horse this was, grew excited, burst the reins asunder and ran after the mare, but she ran from him into the woods. Then said Utgard-Loke: Thjalfe seems to me to run well; still I scarcely think he will win the race, but this will be proven when they run the third heat. To Gylfi these gods seemed to find his lack of knowledge amusing. He possess three valuable treasures. Gylfi. He needs no food himself. Then asked the woman: Have all things taken an oath to spare Balder? Partially because of this, the kind of poetry Snorri liked was becoming unpopular and was being replaced by new styles of poetry. What was before? For this purpose they used the giant Ymers eyebrows, and they called the burg Midgard. Thereupon they took flax and made themselves a net after the pattern of that which they saw in the ashes and which Loke had made. Hringhorn was the name of Balders ship, and it was the largest of all ships. In the time before Odinn: Gylfi smiled proudly, for he himself and his people were all great-great-great grandchildren of the resourceful brothers. Call hither that old woman, Elle, my foster-mother, and let Thor wrestle with her if he wants to. Fire flashes from his eyes and nostrils. Then they took a second heat, and when Huge came to the goal and turned, there was a long bolt-shot to Thjalfe. There are yet more norns, namely those who come to every man when he is born, to shape his life, and these are known to be of the race of gods; others, on the other hand, are of the race of elves, and yet others are of the race of dwarfs. Back to Text, Based on a translation from the Prose Edda. I will again defend my burg with similar or other delusions, so that you will get no power over me. As is here said: Then said Ganglere: Of great importance these asas seem to me to be, and it is not wonderful that you have great power, since you have such excellent knowledge of the gods, and know to which of them to address you prayers on each occasion. Balders horse was burned with him. Then took Alfather Night and her son Day, gave them two horses and two cars, and set them up in heaven to drive around the earth, each in twelve hours by turns. Above, they told him about the wolf chasing Sun, and how it will catch her at the time when the universe is being destroyed. When it began to dawn, Thor went out and saw a man lying not far from him in the wood. Again, it is said that the norns, that dwell in the fountain of Urd, every day take water from the fountain and take the clay that lies around the fountain and sprinkle therewith the ash, in order that its branches may not wither or decay. She was borne to the funeral-pile and cast on the fire. Said Har: A hag dwells east of Midgard, in the forest called Jarnved (Ironwood), where reside the witches called Jarnvidjes. When Thjalfe ran a race with him whose name was Huge, that was my thought, and it was impossible for him to keep pace with its swiftness. Then remarked Jafnhar: He made heaven and earth, the air and all things in them. This is the reason why Frey was unarmed when he fought with Bele, and slew him with a harts horn. He has a very thick shoe, and he is the strongest next after Thor. Thor remained there over night. The gods High One, Just-as-High, and Third (Odin in disguise) answer all of the Scandinavian kings questions. Snorri, however, was very learned in Biblical and classical (Greek and Roman) studies and this knowledge may have affect the way he rebuilt the myths. This summary contains a summary of the Prose Edda, p. 3-108 (Prologue, Gylfaginning or The Deluding of Gylfi and Skaldskaparmal or Poetic Diction), with Lecture notes on Eddic Poetry and Gods? The sixth is Freyja, who is ranked with Frigg. Who is it that makes her this trouble? It is said that when he slept he fell into a sweat, and then there grew under his left arm a man and a woman, and one of his feet begat with the other a son. 8 Jr. Gylfaginning Explained Skrymer proposed that they should lay their store of provisions together, to which Thor consented. But however great may be the throng in Valhal, they will get plenty of flesh of the boar Sahrimner. And now use it as you can. There he will lie bound until Ragnarok. He has a very good sword, which shines brighter than the sun. He was very large, lay sleeping, and snored loudly. 2 Ginnungahimin (or Ginnungagap) was the name for the primal, undifferentiated cosmos that existed before everything else and was the source for all things. The beginning of this tale is, that Balder dreamed dreams great and dangerous to his life. He is fair of face and so bright that rays of light issue from him; and there is a plant so white that it is likened unto Balders brow, and it is the whitest of all plants. The Moon knew not Back to Text, 16 A possible meaning of the name Vindlni. Back to Text Thor hastened back, answered that he had just waked up, and said that it was midnight and still time to sleep. They talked about the Norns (the weavers of fate) and other gods like Frigg, Freyja, Loki, Baldr, Narfi, and Sif. He wanted to crawl away and leave this place. The fourth is Gefjun, who is a may, and those who die maids become her hand-maidens. Furthermore, there is a dwelling, by name Himinbjorg, which stands at the end of heaven, where the Bifrost-bridge is united with heaven. When Gylfi arrives in presumably Asgard, he enters a hall with three thrones occupied by High One, Just-as-High, and Third. "We greet you, Gangleri. He trekked on with his new name, practicing all of the questions he would ask the Aesir. He may even have made some things up! There the gods meet in council every day. Night rides in front with the horse who is called Frosty-Mane12, and at morning every day he bedews the earth with drops of foam from his bit. Synopsis Loke went and pulled up the mistletoe and proceeded to the meeting. That man asked him what his name was. But the truth must be told, that there was no fearless sleeping. His name is Loke, or Lopt. His glowing mane sheds light over the air and Earth." Once, when she was riding, some vans saw her faring through the air. And now you must go he added, and ask her hand for me and bring her home to me, whether it be with or without the consent of her father. But has not Thor avenged himself for this? Uller is the name of one, who is a son of Sif, and a step-son of Thor. Young . They also recounted Bifrost, the only link between Asgard and the human realms. Vidar and Vale live. Of this you may hear what the Lay of Grimner says: Then said Ganglere: A mighty band of men there is in Valhal, and, forsooth, I know that Odin is a very great chief, since he commands so mighty a host. The second part of the Prose Edda is called the Skldskaparml and the third Httatal. But if you are bound to continue your journey, then keep straight on eastward; my way lies to the north, to those mountains that you there see. Are you not leaving more for the third draught than befits your skill? There are two wolves, and the one which is after her is named Skll. I have never heard any one tell further the fate of the world. Afterward they worked in iron, stone and wood, and especially in that metal which is called gold. Then the goats arose, but one of them limped on one of his hind legs. Hermod mounted him and galloped away. We will tell you all about the different gods and goddesses, as well as the heroes and heroines. Then Thor thought he had found out what noise it was that they had heard in the night. If you have not known this before, you can easily find out that it is true and that there is no lie about it, since you must have observed that a woman has no beard, that a cats footfall cannot be heard, and that mountains have no roots; and I know, forsooth, that what I have told you is perfectly true, although there are some things that you do not understand.